Saturday, December 13, 2008

Comedy and Tragedy.

Well, as a lot of my "readers" should, and probably do, know by now; My girlfriend of 5 years has broken up with me as of... I dunno... 2 months ago? It seems so long ago that I don't even really pay attention anymore.

Save your pity and your condolences, as they will fall on deaf ears. I've never been happier. That is an honest to god fact. I honestly believe that this happened for the best of reasons, even though at the time it seemed like the end of the world.

Incompatibility ruled the day on this. Incompatibility and Selfishness. We would have never went the distance, even though I thought we could have. Don't get me wrong here, we had the ABILITY to go the distance, but the lack of maturity in both parties was the downfall to the whole charade. Each of us wanted to do different things. I was not as attentive as I should have been. She was not as forth-right as she should have been. I spent too much time doing other things when I should have been hanging with her. She spent too much time up in Omaha with D.B.F.O. I ignored, or did not see, the warning signs. She did not really send them very well. All in all, I don't think anyone is really to "blame' in the whole ordeal, the blame is shared for the most part, but I do think that the whole thing was handled VERY poorly on her end. Indecision. Lies. Deceit. Potential felonies. It's like a bad soap opera combined with a romantic comedy with no punchline. I won't elaborate unless I get comments asking me to, in which case I will gladly share what happened after discussing it with other parties that were involved.

I do not harbor ill-will towards this person. No matter how badly she has hurt me, I still feel that she was a very important part of my life. I will never deny that we existed. I will never deny that I loved her. Yes, past tense. I will never deny that she has made me, at least somewhat, who I am. No more is that true than today. Without her, I would not have gotten as close to my family as I am right now. There is just no way. Her breaking up with me was the catalyst for my family pulling together like I have never seen before. Her breaking up with me led me to become stronger friends with Ashley Kopf and her husband Joe. I don't know if I would have made it through all of this without them, so BIG props to them. I love you guys, and I owe you a debt I can probably never re-pay. Her breaking up with me lead me to register for school again. Right now I'm leaning heavily towards a degree in Bio-Medical Engineering. She very well might be the most influential person in my life right now, even though she is the least important. Odd how that works.

I'm not sure how often I'll blog, it might be with awesome regularity or it might be every other week. Who knows!? Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Johnny. We love you.

    I'm very glad that we helped, and didn't end up making it worse for you! We are here whenever you need us!
