Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bummed out.

Man, I hate winter weather. I mean, I REALLY hate winter weather. Cold does not bother me so much, but when you throw snow, ice and wind on top of it, it really bums me out. My car cannot go anywhere because it's rear-wheel drive, and I cannot just sit at home either. You know, bills to pay, money to be had, etc. So I go play slip and slide on the roads until I get where I need to go. Now, I'm more than aware that it's my own fault that I have a car that cannot get around in the snow. I used to have a truck until its engine seized on me on the way up to Omaha, but the Lincoln Road Crews did not really do an amazing job of clearing off the streets in a timely manner either.

On to other things that bum me out: Dry skin. I've never really had an issue with it until
this year. Am I just getting old, or is all that good karma finally leaving me? Who knows, honestly. I'm only 24, so that should not be the problem. I'm taking better care of myself now than I think I ever have, so my lifestyle should not have a direct effect on it. Oh well, I guess you can't analyze everything.

I went to my cousin's wedding dinner on this past Friday night. Joe and Krista looked absolutely lovely, the atmosphere was good, everyone seemed to have a good time. It was a good time, but I couldn't help by notice that I was pretty much the only single person in the room out of about 50 people. It started to get to me a little by the end of the night. I think the thing I miss the most about being in a serious relationship is that feeling. That feeling that you have someone that will pretty much do whatever with you, as long as they are with you. That, and waking up next to someone every morning. By the end of the night, I realized that I was getting kind of bitter. I don't want to feel that way, so I'm going to do my very best to attempt not to. It can be a process though, for sure.

This very well might be the last time I blog until after Christmas, and should that be true I want to wish everyone that actually reads this thing a Merry Chirstmas! Enjoy your families, enjoy your food, be joyful that we are here, and are living life.

Kira will NOT leave me alone. She is such an attention whore!


  1. Merry Christmas Johnny! Hope you have a good one. Don't know what I'll be doing for New Years yet....but I've been invited to Brad and Lyndsay' maybe I'll see you there.

    If not....we should all get together sometime after the holidays. ^_^

  2. For sure! I think we all need a stiff drink, and some Wii with Sarah and Sydney so we can maximize the hilarity factor.

    I'll more than likely be at Lyndsay's for the New Years. It depends on what my buddies are doing, etc. If I have a chance to make out with some unsuspecting girl, I have to take it, you know? ;P
