Friday, August 14, 2009


Well, school has started. It's over for me, for about a week or so, though. My first summer session was a fantastic success, not that I expected any different. I only took one class, but getting a solid 96% in that class is nice. Trigonometry is easy, apparently. I start regular fall classes on the 24th, and it's going to be a lot more intense than the summer session. Not only because it's going to be 6 times as many classes, but it will also be a lot more hours during the day. My Monday - Wednesday - Friday is going to suck. I'm taking Calculus (I don't know why they are making me take Calc I over again...), Technical Communication, Biological Systems Engineering Seminar, and Intro, Chemistry, and... something else... maybe I'm mistaken and only had 5 classes.

Anyway, on to other things. Met a few people here and there down on campus. Nothing to really write home about, as a lot of people are really boring. I've noticed this more and more as of late. I'm not sure if it's because I've become more independent or because I've become a lot more selective, or if it's just the age difference, but people just seem to be boring. My last relationship was boring enough, thanks. I think I would like to try something a little more fun. It's kind of funny how you react to certain situations, though. I've been single for coming up on a year now, and I don't really even miss being attached. That's not to say that I don't want anything to happen for me, as that would be a ridiculous claim. I'm just saying that I'm good with where I am right now. I'm in school, going for a degree that will make me really happy (not to mention well-off), I'm living life and going out with friends quite a bit, I'm hanging out with my family more, and I'm still losing a good amount of weight. I'm down to 210, that's down 70 pounds for those of you keeping track. 30 more pounds to the "goal". I'll get there, it might just take another year or so. It's going so slowly now!

I don't really have much more to say, honestly. So, bye.