Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So, it's been a long fucking time, yeah?


I start school in June. That's not that far away. Biological Systems Engineering with a minor in Biomedical Engineering. It sounds like a lot, I know. Hopefully it isn't too much for me, but there isn't much that I can't handle either. I should be in school for 2-3 years, still. Even though I'm considered a junior by UNL, I have a lot of major related work to do. I'm trying to convince my mom to go back to school too! She has expressed interest in getting her master's in education so that she can be a principal and my dad can (hopefully) retire. So I'm going through the process of trying to find her an online program that she can handle.

On the subject of school, the government is giving me, that's right GIVING me, 9 thousand dollars just to step foot in the buildings. This is money I don't have to pay back, this is money that is mine. They are also offering me 10 thousand more to take out in loans per year to try and make my life more comfortable. Think they are desperate to get kids back into school? Wowee. I'll probably take out most of the loans so I don't have to work as much. That'll be nice, honestly. I was really worried about becoming like Alex, who goes more and more crazy with each passing semester, and have to work full time and go to school full time. No longer am I worried about that! The government is going to pick up almost all of my schooling + books, and I'm going to have about 8 thousand dollars of excess income to play with. Nice.

My sister is married! I sometimes still can't believe that she is. The most outstanding part of the wedding was the reception. I didn't bring a date, so I was making a fool out of myself with friends, family, and people I didn't have any idea who they were. I made a nice speech for the happy couple, and I even had to stop once because people were laughing and clapping. I always have been somewhat charismatic, I guess, but that was unexpected. I'm very happy for Lyndsay, as she has found someone that makes her even more awesome than she already was. I wasn't lying when I said she is one of my best friends, and now she has introduced me to another of my best friends, her husband. They are both amazing people, and have started on their journey towards an awesome life together. As an aside, I met Brad's niece Elizabeth, and she might be the cutest 3 year old ever. I knew her for 5 minutes, and she was my buddy. I'm apparently good with kids, because Ashley's kids like me too. Hehehe. Last time I was over there was for Kaitlyn's birthday, and the first thing Alex said to me was, "Where's your hat?" I don't think he's ever seen me without one, honestly. Kids are cute when they aren't yours. ;) I'm going to be a good dad someday.

I've lost a little more weight (like 5 more pounds), but with the wedding and a lot of other things going on in life, my workouts have subsided. I still eat like I should, it's just a little harder for me to get up and workout. I need some motivation there, and I hope I get it soon. It's going to be really difficult for me to work out and go to school at the same time. :|

I might be moving over the summer. My parents bought a new house that they are going to renovate and it's a lot nicer than the one I'm in now. It's pretty much right next to Southeast High School. It's about 2 times the size of where I am now, but it's a lot farther south than I would like, and it needs A LOT of work. A lot more than this one did when we bought it. We'll see how everything goes!

I'll end this on somewhat of a downer, unfortunately. Grandpa Weix has passed away this past week. The rosary is on Wednesday, and the funeral is on Thursday at 10am. On Friday, I went over to mom and dad's and had a whisky and a cigar for Grandpa as a sort of sendoff. This is significant for a few reasons: 1.) I don't drink much anymore. Maybe it was all the bottles I poured myself in after the split, maybe it's my healthy lifestyle now, I don't know. I just don't drink much anymore. 2.) I don't smoke. It was the second cigar I've ever smoked, the first being at Helmet's 30th birthday bash, but it was good. Gideon walked out onto the deck while I was puffing, and he said, "It smells like Grandpa's garage out here..." It really cemented that I was doing the right thing. Grandpa was a great man. A man of intelligence, of wit, of teaching, of learning, of loving, of fun and of family. He was very important to me, but I've had to be strong for my mother. She was "daddy's little girl", and she has been taking his passing very hard. She needs lots of hugs, and lots of understanding. She was there for me when I was going through my split with my worthless ex, and so I need to reciprocate accordingly. Not that I wouldn't be doing that anyway, but I'll never forget that time in my life and how much I needed her and she was there for me. I love my family more than anyone else in the world, and they need me.

Until next time,